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File Menu

OpenOpen an existing .mmg data file
Import DonorsImport donor information from a comma separated file.
SaveSave any unsaved changes. Max My Gift saves information quite frequently so this is not usually necessary.
Save AsSave the current data as a new .mmg file
ExitExit the program, saving any unsaved data

Import Donors

If there is an existing database or spreadsheet containing donor details, these can be imported as long as they can be converted to a comma delimited file.

The header for the file should be:
Title, Forename, Surname, House number, Road, Locality, Post town, County, Country, Postcode, Telephone, EMail, Unique Ref

This comma separated list is copied to the clipboard using the button.

These fields correspond to the values in Donors.
The exception is the unique reference that is used to set up a Donor Reference for the Donor.

If the unique reference is used, it becomes part of the unique short name associated with that donor.
For example if the donor is Mr Jack Diggle and the reference is 002351, the short name will be
"Diggle, Mr J (002351)"

The short name is used to identify existing donors so duplicates are not created.

Leave any unknown values blank (but keep the commas as separators).

During the import the program will attempt to clean up any postcode information by removing spaces in the wrong place and changing to upper case. A warning is issued for any postcodes that could not be massaged into the correct format and these must be manually changed in the donor record.

Any lines in the import file that cannot be imported are written to a separate file in the same folder as the import file.