parent nodes: Appeal List | Screens | Useful Tips

Appeal Summary

The appeal summary shows all the [Gifts] that have been entered against this appeal and allows new [Gifts].
The main grid is sorted in one of three ways
  1. By Donor surname.
  2. By Donor Reference.
  3. By Gift Date.
The grid shows all the Gifts made during the selected Gift Period.
This is selected from the drop down.

Only one Gift Period is shown at a time and the total of all the Gift amounts for the period is displayed next to the Gift Period selector.

The button can be used to export the contents of the grid in a comma separated format that can be loaded into a spreadsheet application.

Adding new Gifts

The main way to add new Gifts is to use the area below the grid.
Enter who the Donor is, optionally the Donor Reference, the date on which the Gift is made and the amount.
Once this information is complete, click the "Add Gift" button to insert the Gift amount into the grid.

If a regular Gift has been set up using the Donor Reference the "Skip" button can be used to move to the next date when the Gift is due and increases the amount of the Gift to include the amount skipped. Pressing the up and down arrow keys whilst in the amount field changes the amount by the regular Gift amount as does clicking on the up and down triangles between the "Skip" and "Add Gift" buttons.

Clicking on the name of the Donor will also prompt with the next Gift in the series.

The Donor Reference can be edited by clicking on the symbol.

Dates can be entered either in the text box or by using the calendar button.

Editing existing Gifts

Existing Gifts can be edited by
  1. Double clicking on a Gift in the grid.
  2. Selecting the Gift and changing the values in the entry section below the grid and clicking "Add Gift"
  3. Selecting the Gift and pressing the "E" key.
  4. Selecting the Gift and pressing a number key.
Note that Gifts that have been reclaimed cannot be edited.

Deleting Gifts

A Gift can be deleted by selecting it and pressing the "D" key.

The Gifts shown in a colour other than white indicate the reclaim status.

Reclaim Background ColourReclaim State
WhiteNo reclaim attempted (might not be a Gift Aid declaration)
Tan(Khaki)The gift has been selected for reclaim and the reclaim has not yet been submitted
Dark red (Firebrick)The gift could be reclaimed but has been deliberately excluded
Orange (not shown)A reclaim has been started, but it timed out and will need to be resent
Blue (not shown)A reclaim has been submitted and a receipt obtained, but we don't yet know the full amount of the reclaim
GreenA reclaim is complete and we know have received the reclaim